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Sales EQ: How Ultra High Performers Leverage Sales-Specific Emotional Intelligence to Close the Complex Deal
PDF Download Sales EQ: How Ultra High Performers Leverage Sales-Specific Emotional Intelligence to Close the Complex Deal
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Audible Audiobook
Listening Length: 9 hours and 2 minutes
Program Type: Audiobook
Version: Unabridged
Publisher: Audible Studios
Audible.com Release Date: July 11, 2017
Language: English, English
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
As an admitted fan of Jeb Blount it was with great anticipation that I read through Jeb's eighth sales book - Sales EQ: How Ultra High Performers Leverage Sales-Specific Emotional Intelligence to Close the Complex Deal. And I was richly rewarded for my effort. I love this book.In Sales EQ Jeb Blount tackles a critical, yet probably the most neglected aspect of selling - emotion - and goes on to take important abstract concepts and convert them into usable knowledge and practical steps to help every professional take their game to a higher level.There is deep wisdom here and Sales EQ is a book that will make you feel both smarter and more fulfilled after having read it.Mastering EmotionSales EQ delves into the emotional aspects of why people buy and why it is so vital that we as sales professionals understand and hone our sales EQ. This means mastering our own emotions as well and understanding and connecting with our customer's. Considerable time is invested in discussing the importance of thinking and feeling from your customer's perspective.For those who are fans of behavioral economics and cognitive anomalies like I am, there is much in this book for you. Even better, Jeb describes these in very accessible terms and lays everything out in his typical straightforward style.The Most Important FactorProduct knowledge is no longer sufficient (if it ever was). Connection and human interaction can trump every aspect of the buying/selling dynamic. Jeb articulates four levels of sales intelligence - Innate Intelligence, Acquired Intelligence, Technological Intelligence & Emotional Intelligence - how to combine these four and and why Sales EQ is the most important of all.Studies from HR Chally & CEB both confirm that you - the salesperson - are the most important factor in determining the outcome of the sale. You are more important than brand, more important than product, more important than service and more important than price. Within the pages of Sales EQ is the both the explanation of why this is true and the actionable advice that will help each of us leverage it to the betterment of both our clients and ourselves.Progressively PracticalJeb's book gets progressively more practical as you read through it. We start with concepts and end with very tactical advice, actions and tips as we graduate to the end. In my opinion this is exactly the right flow and I would argue that Jeb navigates this flawlessly. Heuristics and behavioral economics can become complex yet there is not a single hint of complexity. Jeb's quality as a writer really shines here. Everything flows smoothly and naturally from concept to action.I am tempted to outline just how practical this becomes but a quick glance at the table of contents will illustrate just how constructive things become. If you came for actionable tips - you'll get it.The Final FrontierAs technology and process reach parity in every industry, Sales EQ addresses the last mile - the most important mile - of the sales experience. Even if you have mastered everything else, this is where it ultimately lands. Emotional Intelligence is the final and most influential frontier for sales professionals. The information in Sales EQ will be just as valid fifty years from now as it is today - because it's timeless. For that reason I urge every sales professional to read this work and continually hone your own EQ to the betterment of you, your loved ones and your clients.
SalesEQ is a deep-dive into how the brain works, and how that effects sales opportunities and pipelines. Of the four types of intelligence studied, the author focuses on EQ (emotional intelligence) as playing the most significant role in the sales process.His observation is that “buyers are starved for human interaction†so knowing that, a salesperson with high EQ can better manage the sales conversation, the emotions of both the buyer and themselves, and thereby increase the probability for closing the deal.Many suggestions are given in the book for improving your intrapersonal skills (managing your own disruptive emotions) and those interpersonal skills (responding to and managing the emotions of others.) to close the deal, which I found very valuable and applicable. One specific example Blount cites is that, one reason for a prospect to become disinterested, is the prospect’s amygdala, a part of the brain that ignores boring patterns – like memorized pitches and scripted presentations – and responds to a message that is new, different, or disruptive. Blount’s observation that many extremely intelligent people fail in the sales profession because they are unable to influence the emotions of others is spot on.With all the incoming, it’s more difficult today than ever to maintain focus “in the moment†with each prospect. SalesEQ shows you how to shut out distractions, and make a better-quality connection with each prospect.I highly recommend SalesEQ for any sales professional who has already been trained in sales process. It will help you take the next step, and stand out from the crowd.
Great companion piece to Fanatical Prospecting. These two books are must reads for our sales team. I received Fanatical Prospecting as a gift in November 2016 and the following 6 months I saw the largest growth in my personal book of business. With Sales EQ I'm continuing to see both sales growth as well as improvement with my current client relations. Jeb's books are gold.
I learned about Jeb Blount over 6 years ago, but I didn't start reading & listening to his material until June 2015. Since I embarked on studying Jeb's materials, I have increased my earnings year over year 50% annually. If you want to be a better sales professional & person then you should do yourself a favor start reading, listening and subscribing to all of Jeb's numerous resources that his team & himself have made available.
This book is a MUST-READ for any person is a sales role. If you want to succeed in sales you must tap into the emotional aspects of why your customers buy or don't.Most sales training focuses on the sales process. Jeb's book focuses on mastering the art of connecting with the people that will buy from you. In my opinion, many salespeople fail to hit quota is because they don't listen to what their prospects are saying and fail to connect.Sales EQ goes into great detail on how to master the art of listening and explains why people don't or won't listen to you, dealing with irrational buyers, increasing the probability of winning more sales, controlling your emotions throughout the sales process, stalled deals, the buying process and so much more.Sales EQ should be required reading for ANY sales professional. If you are a sales manager, I highly recommend buying a copy of this book for every member of your sales team.
Great book with lots of insight into the emotions at play in Sales. A must read in the contemporary sales book collection.It helped me clarify the balance between emotion and Logic at play when in the various stages of building a sale - your own as well as your prospect.It partners well with Jebs other book Fanatical Prospecting (FP). Though if I had to choose between them, get this one first as it covers quite a bit of similar material in FP.
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